
Current News

Yellen: Stock market turbulence 'could weigh' on growth

Janet Yellen offered few hints Wednesday morning about the Federal Reserve's plans for this year.  Read more

Five ways the establishment helped Trump win

Don't like Trump? The Republican establishment deserves its share of the blame for his polling dominance. Here are five reasons.  Read more

Hillary Clinton blasts “outrageous” Obama Ed. Dept. contractor ripping off students

Trying to generate more millennial appeal, Hillary Clinton has become critical of a student loan servicing company.  Read more

“Special Place in Hell”: Hillary loses young women in N.H. by 64%

Sec. Hillary Clinton lost to Sen. Bernie Sanders by more than 20 percent overall in the New Hampshire Democrat primary– and lost by more than 60 percent among young women voters.  Read more

Donald Trump in Driver's Seat on Way to Presidential Nomination

Donald Trump got everything he wanted in New Hampshire primary—and a whole lot more.  Read more

Bill thankful for all the ‘millennial young people’ supporting Hillary

About 30 years ago, former President Bill Clinton emerged as the young, cool candidate who speaks to young people in the way they can understand.  Read more

Clinton's Wall Street ties deepen N.H. woes

Hillary Clinton's paid speeches to Wall Street banks and other special interest groups have emerged as a key sticking point for voters ahead of Tuesday's New Hampshire primary.  Read more

Fewer GOP voters think Trump will be the nominee

Fewer people think Donald Trump will eventually be the Republican nominee, even though Trump still holds a double-digit lead in the latest national poll.  Read more

Oklahoma prof: Youth support for Sanders ‘symptom of our failure to educate’

One professor understands the rise of Bernie Sanders in 2016 as illustrative of a broken education system.  Read more

Kasich Finds Himself -- and His Way

John Kasich has discovered himself in New Hampshire.  Read more

Christie: Ruining GOP chances since 2012, now hugging Hillary Clinton

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie came out on fire at tonight’s debate in New Hampshire — but his passion had nothing to do with defeating Democrats or promoting his record.  Read more

Now the Democratic Party's 'establishment' is in trouble

Bernie Sanders scored his first victory of 2016 over Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire — before the primary.  Read more

‘Lenny Letter’ writer dismisses GOP women, never gave Fiorina a chance

“The last time I checked, my uterus was not a sentient being,”  Read more

Trump, Cruz and Rubio: How each could win, and lose

A Republican presidential field that was once so unwieldy that debates had to be broken into undercard and main events may soon shrink from its peak of 17 prominent candidates to just three.  Read more

Cruz Says Drafting Women 'Doesn't Make Any Sense'

And Cruz called America's enemies, not its soldiers, "psychopaths."  Read more

Trash-mouth press trashes Trump

Donald Trump's willingness to go after his adversaries with "ugly rhetoric" has some pundits worried about the state of modern political discourse.  Read more

Thanks Autocorrect: Data shows millennials can’t spell

A texting app turned off its spellchecker, and people became very lax with their spelling accuracy.  Read more

An Awful Candidate

And she's been getting worse.  Read more