In the closely watched Masterpiece Cakeshop case, the Supreme Court dealt a blow against the small-mindedness that so often characterizes the self-appointed minders of social justice in America.
The case involved a Christian baker in Colorado named Jack Phillips who refused to create a wedding cake for a same-sex couple in 2012. The couple, Charlie Craig and Dave Mullins, reacted in characteristic 21st-century-American style — they filed charges. They took their complaint to the Colorado Civil Rights Commission under a state law forbidding discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
Jack Phillips lost before the Commission, lost before an administrative law judge and lost before the Colorado Court of Appeals. It fell to the Supreme Court to vindicate him, and none other than Justice Anthony Kennedy, who previously authored the national right to gay marriage, did it.
In his majority opinion, Kennedy honed in on the blatant bias of Colorado’s bias police, who apparently blanch at anything that doesn’t accord with their blinkered, thoughtless progressivism.
Phillips was on the wrong side of history, and so his rights could be disregarded and trampled. The arc of the moral universe bends toward crushing all resistance.