
Current News

“Racist undertones”: Student chastised by OSU faculty and students for pro-life article

If someone is threatened for telling the truth, they’re doing something right.  Read more

Hillary: Campaign 'Is Incredibly Demanding and Exhausting'

Hillary Clinton may be low-energy. In an interview last night with NBC's Seth Meyers, Clinton admitted that the campaign "is incredibly demanding and exhausting."  Read more

Moroccans Ignore Trump and Worry About Their Own Problems

It's been just a few days since Donald Trump said he'd close America's doors to Muslims, and here in Marrakesh so far not a single Moroccan has raised the issue with me.  Read more

A Lot Is Going Christie's Way in New Hampshire

All candidates tend to boast about their anecdotal support, but in Christie's case in New Hampshire, there may be something to his rosy assessment.  Read more

Putin Pushing Nukes

One tends to forget about nukes as part of various states's arsenals.  Read more

A Thermonuclear Korea?

Does he really believe he needs an H-bomb to defend his country? Who would want the wretched place?  Read more

Knife fight: Trump ad asks if Carson is a 'violent criminal or pathological liar'

Donald Trump hit Ben Carson in a new Instagram ad, in which he wondered if his fellow GOP front-runner is a "violent criminal" or a "pathological liar."  Read more

  • aan
  • 11/05/2015 12:00 AM

Carson Tops polls

The campaign platform includes a call for federal legislation mandating background checks on all private firearms transfers and sales.  Read more

  • AAN
  • 11/05/2015 12:00 AM

Copy of I’ll Use Administrative Actions To Implement Gun Control Plan

The campaign platform includes a call for federal legislation mandating background checks on all private firearms transfers and sales.  Read more

  • AAN
  • 11/04/2015 12:00 AM

Clinton Paying a High Price Now For Her 2012 Lies About Benghazi

Nothing new there. Nothing to see here, time to move on for good.  Read more

I’ll Use Administrative Actions To Implement Gun Control Plan

The campaign platform includes a call for federal legislation mandating background checks on all private firearms transfers and sales.  Read more