Why The Democrats Cheered Trump’s Defeat, But Should Be More Panicked Than Ever

On Friday afternoon, within minutes of President Trump ending the shutdown, the left declared victory.

Dancing up and down on his perceived “grave” the fund raising requests were e-blasted to supporters promising that the day’s events insured already assumed doom for a President they hate.

Don’t tell them... but the opposite is now on its way.

To see leftwing activists so eagerly cheer the defeat (even temporarily) of some of the most broad-based (and in many instances—Democrat initiated) objectives as it pertains to common sense border security was disheartening.

Why Congressional and Senate Democrats would refuse the opportunity to take partial credit of creating an orderly border process is mystifying. Especially so when 78%-90% of Americans seek tougher border measures. Most of whom also believe that a border barrier is a key component to the multi-lateral security strategy.
Source: TownHall
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