We Should Just Go Ahead And Build A Wall At The Northern Border...Canada Is Lame

As a former Canadian, I can tell you that many Canadians have a real complex when it comes to their neighbors south of the border. Canadians have always been a bit cranky about the outsized influence America has on the rest of the world. While Canada was trading in the warriors who helped win WWII for socialized medicine and cradle-to-grave care, America was going to space, defeating communism and basically kicking ass all the time, everywhere.

There’s a pervasive attitude in Canadian culture that denigrating Americans is a sign of sophistication.

The latest “burn” is to look down their noses at an America that is riddled with sickness and gun violence. It’s the wild, wild west down there. People are dropping dead in the streets, the cities are savaged, and citizens keep demanding to eat at restaurants even though they’re stepping over dead bodies strewn across sidewalks. This is the picture their news gives them. I know from talking to my own friends and family that this is what they believe is happening here. They literally think Americans are dropping where they stand, all day every day.

As a result, Prime Minister Blackface Trudeau has released a statement saying he does not see the border opening for quite some time thanks to American COVID spikes.

Source: RedState