WATCH: Armed St. Louis Man Shreds CNN's Chris Cuomo for 'Being a Mind Reader'

Mark McCloskey, the St. Louis man who defended his property from Black Lives Matter protestors, on Tuesday slammed CNN's Chris Cuomo for making assumptions about his case. Cuomo made the argument that President Donald Trump tweeted the video of Mr. McCloskey and his wife defending their home because of the racial implications the footage had.

"A guy stands in front of me, pulls out two loaded pistol magazines, snaps them in front of my face and says, 'You’re next.' If you were there, Chris, I think you’d feel like you had a right to defend yourself, as well," McCloskey recounted.

"Absolutely. Somebody takes out magazines, ammunition and clicks it and makes a direct threat, I would feel threatened, 100 percent," Cuomo replied.

"That’s what happened to me," McCloskey responded.

Source: Townhall