Tucker Carlson: Time for Sidney Powell to show us her evidence

On Thursday, Rudy Giuliani and a number of President Trump's other lawyers held a press conference on the topic of voter fraud. If you didn't actually see it, you've probably heard about it by now.

Giuliani, along with former federal prosecutor called Sidney Powell and a number of others, alleged that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump. To demonstrate that, they exhibited some of what they found after two weeks of investigating. The presentation went on for 90 minutes with many different threads, about which more anon.

How you viewed it depended largely on who you voted for. Trump voters seemed hopeful that it might change the election results. The left and virtually every single person in all of the news media immediately dismissed it as an embarrassing clown show as well as a threat to the republic. That's right: the very same people who swore that Vladimir Putin's agents controlled the U.S. government called it a conspiracy theory.

A lot of Americans believe this election was rigged. They're not saying that because they're crazy and they're not just saying it because they're mad. They mean it. And that's a potentially fatal problem for this country. Elections aren't merely "central to democracy", elections are democracy. Voting is the way the public expresses its will. It's all people have. If elections don't work, our entire system doesn't work.

Source: Fox News
Tucker Carlson by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0