The instant analysis on cable TV of President Trump’s decision to dump the Iran deal had a weary resignation to it: He said he would do this.
Indeed, he had. Trump repeatedly promised to pull out of the deal on the campaign trail and had made it a target from the time that Barack Obama first entered into it in 2015.
His exit from the agreement is another instance of the Trump paradox: The president who says more outlandish and untrue things than anyone who has ever occupied the office of the presidency is also extraordinarily determined to deliver on his big promises.
Trump often doesn’t mean what he says, but when he says what he means — watch out. The combined forces of international pressure, polite opinion, outraged New York Times editorials, resistant advisers and sheer inertia aren’t an obstacle.
Many of Trump’s loose promises in the campaign weren’t remotely deliverable (he was never going to drop Bowe Bergdahl out of an airplane over Afghanistan with no parachute).