Trump Delivers For Workers … After Years Of Empty Obama Promises

Labor Market: The latest expectation-shattering jobs report isn't a fluke. It's another sign that President Trump's economic policies are improving the lives of middle class families.

The 304,000 gain in jobs reported by the Labor Department was nearly twice the consensus estimate. And it comes after December's expectation-busting gains.

There's more. The jobs picture is so strong right now that it's pulling people in who've been sitting on the sidelines.

Another Gem In The Jobs Report

In fact, for the first time in more than 20 years, the number of people who are out of the labor force — those without jobs and not looking — shrank by 647,000 over the past 12 months. So many people are returning to the labor force that the official unemployment rate is going up, even as the job market booms.
Source: Investors
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