Joe Biden is in the Catch-22 of his political career, folks. If he stays in his basement, he faces the legitimate question of whether he’s fit — both physically and mentally — to assume the duties of the presidency. If he hits the campaign trail, he runs the risk of… Pittsburgh.
The latter occurred on Monday, and it wasn’t a pretty sight. At all. Put another way, Joe had a very bad day in Pittsburgh. A really bad day.
As my RedState colleague Nick Arama reported, Biden gave a speech in Pittsburgh on Monday that went far beyond simple gaffes and pregnant pauses. A performance that left little doubt. Joe Biden is in decline.
Worse, Biden’s decline is accelerating, seemingly every time he steps up to a microphone. Garbled words and forgotten thoughts are now replaced with entire nonsensical sentences. Even worse, he doesn’t even seem to realize what he just said made no sense at all.