The Democratic Comedy Of Errors Is About To Get Even More Interesting

Ever since the campaign for the Democratic nomination first began, basically on November 9, 2016, America has been treated to some truly comedic moments, from Hillary Clinton’s delayed concession speech, to two years of “will she, or won’t she?” speculation at a second - strike that - third, run for the presidency, all of which peppered with her $100 speeches to smaller crowds than a Bee Gees reunion concert would draw. And let’s not forget the Costco book signings for "What Happened" by Hillary Rodham Clinton, the only mystery novel with the mystery and answer both printed clearly on the cover.

Now the page has turned. A new collection of characters have thrown their respective hats in the ring as potential party hopefuls. And they really are a cast of characters, enough to make the original cast of Saturday Night Live look, well, amateurish. 

We’ve been privy to some of the most awkward and ill-conceived public rollouts since Coca-Cola’s 1985 introduction of New COKE! 

We’ve had upstart Beto O’Rourke confess to eating dirt and, for some reason, live streaming both his dental work and haircut. In the end, the only reason anyone even knows his name is that he lost his only major election. Well, that and the fact that he has a tendency to skateboard on stage and stand on counter-tops where people are eating. If he enjoyed some early comparisons to Robert Kennedy, he has a funny way of trying to further such comparisons. It’s hard to imagine RFK leading his brother through the Cuban Missile Crisis while getting a mani-pedi.

The nation was treated to Elizabeth Warren coming to the, hard to believe, revelation that when you’ve spent your entire professional life falsifying your racial heritage (for no gain, I’m sure), video-streaming the proof of your falsity is a bit of an error. But no worries. She quickly bounced back with her announcement video, which was, of course, interrupted by her need to get a beer. Maybe if she wanted to seem authentic, she might have had the beer out ahead of time? And looked like she had had at least one beer previously in her life. And then, of all things, feigning surprise that your own husband, is in your own house, while you are announcing your candidacy for the highest office in the world. 
Source: Town Hall
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