A texting app turned off its spellchecker, and people became very lax with their spelling accuracy.
When Blend, a group texting app, paused autocorrect for 72 hours, about one-third of all words were misspelled, according to News 1130.
Blend has a heavily young user base, and “weird,” “definitely,” and Budweiser were victimized.
Double-letter words, misspellings due to keyboard proximity, and the time of day caused a struggle, according to Business Insider. When millennials were tired, their accuracy plummeted, though they would include an asterisk to indicate a known misspelling.
Given the casualness of texting, the results aren’t surprising. Clarity matters more than proper grammar, and a friend group isn’t likely to spurn a botched word unless it’s particularly egregious. Problem words varied by geographic region, and the worst spelling skills were in Brooklyn, Dallas, San Mateo, California; and Fort Worth, Texas.