Socialist promises: Obamacare makes medical care more expensive than ever

When Barack Obama wasn't promising to lower ocean levels and heal the planet, he was claiming he'd be the last president to deal with health care.

"I am not the first president to take up this cause, but I am determined to be the last," he said.

But as John Merline over at Issues & Insights notes, Obama only managed to make matters worse.  A new Wall Street Journal–NBC News poll shows that health care is now the top priority for the public, with 24% saying it should be No. 1 on the priority list and 42% saying it should be in the top two spots.

That's up sharply from the public's view of health care before Obamacare, when in 2006 only 14% ranked it as their top priority.  Nine years after Obamacare passed, why do you think that might be?

An ongoing Gallup Poll, meanwhile, finds that people are, overall, less satisfied with their health coverage and the quality of their own health care than they were in 2007.
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