Senator Collins will not back anti-abortion Supreme Court nominee

A key moderate Republican U.S. senator said on Sunday that she will not support a nominee to fill a soon-to-be-vacated seat on the Supreme Court who would overturn a landmark legal ruling that supports a woman’s right to abortion.

The comments by Susan Collins, a frequent Senate swing vote, narrowed the path to confirmation facing any nominee Republican President Donald Trump selects to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy, who is retiring from the high court.

“I would not support a nominee who demonstrated hostility to Roe v. Wade,” Susan Collins told CNN’s “State of the Union” program, referring to the 1973 landmark abortion decision.

Abortion was expected to be a key topic for senators when they question Trump’s nominee in confirmation hearings.

The president has said he will not be asking possible nominees, whom he has already started interviewing, whether they would overturn Roe v. Wade. Anti-abortion conservatives, mostly Republicans, have long opposed the ruling.
Source: Reuters
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