The Trump administration is committed to a full repeal and replacement of Obamacare, Vice President Pence said Thursday as Republicans reach for their long-held goal of completely overhauling the sweeping healthcare law.
"We are absolutely committed to follow through on President Trump's directive to repeal and replace Obamacare and to have the Congress do it at the same time," Pence said in an interview with Fox News.
The comment came soon after some Republican lawmakers began adjusting their language when referencing GOP plans to scrap Obamacare and start healthcare reform all over again.
"We want to repair the [Affordable Care Act] and I have never favored its repeal without a replacement," Congressman Leonard Lance, R-N.J., said at a House subcommittee hearing Thursday morning.
"I'm for repealing it and starting over, but you can certainly look at the good things that may be part of the law. There are some good things that we would put in any bill," Sen. Orrin Hatch, who had met with Trump earlier Thursday, later told CNN.