OPINION: Stop Lying About China Virus Fatalities

Enough! As most of you know, I’ve been producing a nightly roll-up and analysis of Wuhan Virus statistics on a very basic level. I’ve never claimed to be any sort of expert on crunching numbers. In fact on at least one occasion that I can remember, I’ve recruited a few no-kiddin’ experts in that field…experts who actually get paid big bucks…for being right. these guys don’t get paid when they are wrong, which is unlike Dr Fauci or COL/Dr Birx who collect their taxpayer supported checks, right or wrong. These guys told me what I kind of already knew, bad data was skewing the analysis.

I also remember a common acronym in data analysis and computer coding…GIGO…Garbage In, Garbage Out. That is what is going on right in front of front of us…and with the public, full throated permission promotion of the Federal government. I wrote about this earlier, chiding COL/Dr Deborah Birx for being part and party to this.
In at least one instance, I saw COL/Dr. Birx flat out encourage providers and reporting institutions to put blatantly false information into the system and thereby preclude effective decision making.

Skewing this type of data makes it more difficult for the real decision-makers (that’s not COL/Dr. Birx (or Dr. Fauci)) to make a sober, reasoned assessment as to when and how to get America back to work. Neither COL/Dr. Birx’s commission nor mine expired the day we got handed our DD214’s. I am sincerely hoping she will reflect on that and adjust the Wuhan Virus “Cause of Death” reporting standards accordingly.

Source: RedState
Dr. Deborah Birx by Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks is licensed under Public Domain