Let's End This Pointless War in Afghanistan Now

Our eighth round of talks with the Taliban, concerning terms for a U. S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, has concluded without agreement.  We can't agree on a timetable (we want two and a half years; the Taliban want us out within nine months).  

We can't agree on a ceasefire (we say now; they say not until our deal is finalized).  We can't agree on how to prevent Afghanistan from becoming a safe haven for terrorists (actually, we can't even agree on the definition of "terrorist").

The good news is that we are "inching closer" to a "draft agreement," according to experienced foreign policy experts.

Who are these experts, and what do they know about Afghanistan?  Have they talked to the British?  The British negotiated with the Afghanis in the 19th century, and their tale is hair-raising.

In 1839, during the First Anglo-Afghan War, British troops occupied the city of Kabul.  There, they secured an uneasy peace, mainly by bribing local potentates.
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