Kamala Harris craters in the polls

Did Tulsi Gabbard really end up throwing the bucket of water that melted Kamala Harris?

The fakest and most ambitious of the Democratic presidential candidates is positively cratering in the polls. According to the New York Post:

Joe Biden’s lead rose among Democratic presidential contenders while Kamala Harris sank like a stone in a new poll released Tuesday, which also showed the other top four candidates essentially treading water.

The former veep — despite a series of characteristic gaffes in recent weeks — was the choice of 29 percent of those surveyed by CNN between Thursday and Sunday, up from 22 percent in a June survey by the cable network.

Harris who was at 17% in the polls in the wake of the first Democratic presidential debate, is now at 5% in the aftermath of the second, losing more than half her voting base, as well as her status as a top-tier candidate.
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