Indiana’s GOP Primaries Get Nasty In Final Days

Indiana’s primary day is May 8th. There are a wide variety of Republicans running for the party’s nomination for offices from the U.S. Senate seat against incumbent Senator Joe Donnelly (D-IN) to its nine House of Representatives seats.

Not only are those federal legislative positions up for election, but also the State Senate, State House, and many various other state and local offices are being voted on as well, making it a very civic-minded year in the Hoosier state.

With the ascendance of former Indiana Governor Mike Pence to the Vice-Presidency, the candidates who are the frontrunners all generally seem to be linked to him and his past Governorship of the state.

Indeed, many candidates are openly emphasizing their affiliation with former Governor Pence in a state where he still commands strong approval, with a late 2017 Ball State University poll putting him at 50% approval to 37% disapproval.

Yet there seems to be strife among the Republicans and fellow ex-Pence administration officials running. With the primary just a few days away on May 8th, an already long hard-fought race is seeing last minute tactics ranging from a tsunami of PAC-funded attack ads and flyers to one Senate candidate even bringing cardboard cutouts of his opponents to amuse potential voters with.
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