Final prediction: How millennials will vote

Predictions in politics are a dangerous business, but also pretty entertaining. We’re going to give it a shot.

Red Alert Politics started calculating the average of polls that include data on the millennial vote; we called it the Millennial Poll Average. But, just because it’s an average of good polls doesn’t mean it will be exactly correct.

As it stands right now, the average puts Hillary Clinton at 52.3 percent, Trump at 25.1 percent, Gary Johnson at 11.5 percent and Jill Stein at 4.5 percent. The remaining 6.6 percent of people remaining in the average refused, so those refusals won’t be reflected in final results. If the models hold, each candidate should increase proportionally.

So, what would that look like approximately?

The answer: Clinton 56, Trump 27, Johnson 12, and Stein 5.
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