It’s just a guess, but it seemed MSNBC’s Mike Barnacle (a Hillary Clinton shill) was out to embarrass Gary Johnson when he asked, “What would you do if you were elected, about Aleppo?”
Usually in conversation when talking about a foreign crisis, you would ask, “What would you do about the refugee crisis in Aleppo, Syria?” Most real journalists would either mention the crisis or the country. It would be like asking, “What would you do about Abkhazia?” Abkhazia is the region of biggest contention in the Russia-Georgia conflict dating back to 2008. The proper question would be: “What would you do about Abkhazia and the Russia-Georgia conflict?”
Throwing out foreign cities where there is a major conflict is a cheap shot. Barnacle and Team Clinton know now from the polls that Johnson is earning more support away from Hillary Clinton than from Donald Trump. He’s a threat to Democrats’ millennial base, which could be why Barnacle tried to torpedo him.
But, maybe Johnson should thank Barnacle. Why? For raising his name identification exponentially. Johnson received more television news coverage today than any other day during this campaign.
Now, more people than ever know there’s another choice than the two least popular major party candidates in recorded history. More people were googling his name and talking about him on social media.