
Current News

Rhodes won't show: White House raises 'constitutional concerns'

The White House told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Monday that Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes won't be testifying on Tuesday about his controversial comments on the Iran deal...  Read more

The Supreme Court called the Obama administration's bluff

Years of litigation over the Obamacare mandate for coverage of early abortion pills, birth control and sterilization, culminated in seven cases under the title Zubik v. Burwell...  Read more

Nebraska GOP votes down condemnation of “degrading remarks” to women, minorities

Republicans have rejected the notion of individual rights as delegates at the Nebraska Republican Convention rejected a resolution that condemned degrading remarks “toward women, minorities, and other individuals.”...  Read more

Four states have had no private job growth since 2000

For Illinois and three other states, private-sector job creation has been unheard of in the 21st century...  Read more

It Wasn't Supposed to Work This Way

Local authorities in Pueblo, just 40 miles south of Colorado Springs, were recently alerted by a vigilant resident to a possible illegal marijuana grow operation...  Read more

Donald Trump’s college reform ideas are surprisingly good

The Trump campaign is touting its higher education approach as a “revolutionary” change for students and colleges...  Read more

#FightFor15? Even liberal economists agree it’s a “gamble”

The belief in the $15 minimum wage to defeat poverty borders on the religious. Empirical evidence casts doubt that the benefit will be so smooth and so unequivocal...  Read more

Al Qaeda magazine calls for lone wolf attacks on U.S. economic leaders

Al Qaeda's English-language magazine Inspire is calling for jihadis to carry out lone wolf attacks against American business leaders and entrepreneurs in their homes...  Read more

U.S. Navy facing first serious competition in decades

China is busy pouring silt and building bases onto man-made islands in the South China Sea...  Read more

The Hillary Myth

Hillary Clinton sounds like Paul Ryan on the economy. She says she’s for "strong growth, fair growth, and long-term growth."...  Read more

Media too quick to blame 'climate change'

"I would prefer slightly more moderate titles that focus on sea-level rise being the driver rather than simply 'climate change'," one of the study's chief researchers, Dr. Simon Albert, told the Guardian...  Read more

Obama orders schools: Transgender students can choose which bathroom

The Obama administration released its guidance directing public schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms corresponding with their gender identity...  Read more

How Trump can dominate the millennial vote

It is no secret; the American public has a lot of negative feelings about both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump...  Read more

Congratulations class of 2016, you majored in debt

President Obama delivered a tongue-lashing commencement address to students at Howard University last weekend, saying many things with which I agreed...  Read more

Jobless claims jump to 294,000, highest in a year

Jobless claims jumped to 294,000 in the first week of May, the Department of Labor reported Thursday...  Read more

Priebus: Trump meeting a 'step toward party unity'

As a modest group of protesters gathered outside the Republican National Committee headquarters, Donald Trump met Thursday morning for a string of meetings with Republican leaders...  Read more

PAC aims for independent or Libertarian run

Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse has disavowed the idea that he’d run an independent presidential candidacy, but a new PAC wants to persuade him to do it — for America...  Read more

Trump bets on Instagram to help win over millennial support

Donald Trump has a problem with millennials and he knows it...  Read more