Johnson surges, Clinton falls with millennials in new poll

While Reuters polling is inferring that millennials will not vote in high numbers, new data from Monmouth shows a different trend. As we’ve shown, Hillary Clinton is on the decline with millennials.

The new data shows Clinton has slipped 5 percent since Monmouth’s post-convention polling among voters under 35 years old. She is now winning just 41 percent. Red Alert‘s millennial polling average has Clinton at 42 percent.

Who gained from Clinton’s loss? The only candidate who gained in the polls among millennials is Libertarian Gary Johnson.

Johnson, who was polling at 10 percent after the conventions, is now winning 17 percent of millennials. Johnson needs 15 percent of the overall population to qualify for the national debates.

Trump’s millennial polling has stayed constant, showing directly that Johnson is winning younger — and now former — supporters of Hillary Clinton. These were likely former supporters of Bernie Sanders who were persuaded to support Clinton after the convention, but are now abandoning her for Johnson.
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