When will millennials start liking Hillary? Never.

Hillary Clinton’s victory is inevitable, or so some in the media would like us to believe. Just like Clinton’s staff, they believe that Donald Trump is so awful that Clinton will win over voters who aren’t backing her now. Particularly, they think millennials will magically wise up and back Clinton.

Clinton’s numbers have been bad with millennials this entire campaign and have only gotten worse as of late. A large majority of millennials believe Clinton is dishonest and corrupt. According to the Red Alert Politics‘ Millennial Polling Average, she is down below 40 percent support from younger voters for the first time since we started the average. A recent Quinnipiac poll had her at just 31 percent.

But, fear not, Trump is so bad to millennials that Clinton has nothing to worry about. Or so we’re told.

In the Washington Post, Catherine Rampell’s column “When will millennials start liking Hillary Clinton?” shares some of this sentiment. She says. “See, millennials may not adore Clinton, but they really, really hate Trump. Six in 10 young voters view him ‘strongly’ unfavorably, and the same share describe him as ‘racist.’ Don’t be surprised if their third-party crushes start to fade as the prospect of President Trump begins to feel all too terrifyingly real.”

Rampell believes a closer race will force younger voters to pick the lesser of two evils. “But a tighter race — one, ironically, made tighter largely because of millennial defections from the Clinton camp — changes the calculus. It’s riskier to ‘throw away’ your vote, either by supporting someone who has no chance of winning or by abstaining from the polls altogether.”
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