Donald Trump is expected to give a major speech on immigration this week, and the media is already speculating that the Republican nominee will abandon his base and embrace amnesty in order to win a larger portion of the Latino vote.
This is a highly unlikely scenario.
The problem with Trump is that he uses broad terms in his speeches and television appearances, but piecing together those policy proposals and pure speculation, here’s a guess at what we could hear from the Republican nominee’s speech.
A wall along the Mexican-American border is here to stay: It’s Trump’s loudest applause line, Mexico is going to pay for it, the GOP added it to the party platform, it’s not going anywhere.
Another key policy proposal Trump is likely to hold on to is reducing the level of legal immigration. This is undoubtably more important than tackling illegal immigration; through the current system, the U.S. imports more than a million people per year who compete with low-skilled Americans for jobs and wages.