Even the most bullish Clinton pollsters and analysts are agreeing that Donald Trump is surging, and it’s partly due to millennials refusal to support the Democratic nominee.
Larry Sabato from the University of Virginia’s Center of Politics, who is generally of the opinion that Trump is going to lose in a landslide, is suddenly having a change of heart. States like Georgia and Arizona are no longer considered in play, Ohio and Iowa are likely to go red, North Carolina, Nevada, and Florida are tossups, and Clinton is struggling to hold onto once-likely blue states like New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Michigan, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
While Sabato still insists that Clinton is favored to win the election, Trump’s path to 270 electoral college votes exists and is growing. The billionaire now only needs to win the three swing states and any single lean Democratic state.
Here’s the current map from Sabato’s Crystal Ball:
The reason for Clinton’s fall from grace is summed up in one word: millennials.