Trump slashes regulation output by 70 percent

The volume of regulations that pours out of the federal government has been cut dramatically under President Trump, who so far is publishing a daily federal rulebook that on average is about 70 percent smaller than the last several published under President Obama.

In its first seven business days, the Trump administration's Federal Register has averaged 189 pages. That includes the 510-page Federal Register published on Jan. 23, which included many last rules that were developed under Obama.

Since January 23, the size of the register has only eclipsed 200 pages on one day, and three times, it has been less than 100 pages.

In contrast, the register averaged 642 pages a day during Obama's last 12 business days. On Obama's last full day in office, Jan. 19, the register was a whopping 1,466 pages.

The confirmation of just a handful of Trump's Cabinet picks is a likely factor in the steep dropoff in regulatory volume. But Trump has also made deregulation a central theme of his presidency, so while there are fewer pages in the register, Trump has also changed the nature of what's on a typical Federal Register page.
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