I spent most of the last two days reporting out the extraordinary allegations President Donald Trump made against his predecessor, Barack Obama – that Obama had Trump's "wires tapped in Trump Tower." And I've spent many hours over the past several weeks looking into claims about ties between Trump's team and Russia and counterclaims that the entire thing is an elaborate attempt to delegitimize Trump's presidency.
Let me begin with an admission, an observation, and a guess.
The admission: Even after weeks of reporting, with good sources in the national security world, on Capitol Hill, and (believe it or not) among Trump's team, I cannot claim with any real confidence to know the ground truth about Trump and Russia or potential federal investigations or Obama loyalists pushing storylines.
The observation: Neither do most of the people closest to the back-and-forth allegations, including President Trump, or those talking in public about what is unfolding. Most of what we're seeing in the media is the public version of an elaborate game of "telephone" that's taking place behind the scenes.
The guess: March 4, 2017, will end up being a rather consequential day in the presidency of Donald Trump.