Donald Trump gave a historic speech in Charlotte on Thursday where he reached out to black voters, promising to fight for them with better education, public safety, and economic opportunities.
The Republican nominee pointed out that even after decades of voting monolithically for Democrats, black Americans still attend failing schools, live in unsafe neighborhoods and have few economic opportunities.
“Look at how badly things are going under decades of Democratic leadership — look at the schools, look at the 58 percent of young African-Americans not working,” Trump told the crowd. “It is time for change.”
Trump said Democrats haven’t delivered to the black community because they assume they’ll get the votes no matter what.
“Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party have taken African American votes totally for granted,” Trump said. “Because the votes have been automatically there, there has been no reason for Democrats to produce. It is time to break with the failures of the past, and to fight for every last American child in this country to have the better future they deserve.”