President Trump's response to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Harvey in Texas this week has already drawn both praise and criticism as he attempts to avoid the pitfalls of past presidents and fulfill the nearly impossible demands following a natural disaster of such magnitude.
The president and first lady journeyed to Southeast Texas on Tuesday to speak directly with first responders and emergency managers at the local, state and federal level. Trump even climbed the side of a fire truck in Corpus Christi and brandished the Texas state flag as he praised the resilience of the hurricane's victims.
But his fleeting mention of the size of the crowd that had gathered outside the fire station, where he had been meeting with state officials, soon dominated headlines about an otherwise smooth trip. And the shoes his wife wore to board Air Force One that morning -- a pair of stilettos she quickly ditched for more practical sneakers -- garnered far more attention on social media than the substance of Trump's Texas tour.
"There are always going to be some Democrats trying to score political points on Trump no matter what the situation. If Trump built an ark to save the people of Houston, Democrats would say he cut down too many trees to build it," said Ned Ryun, CEO of American Majority and a former writer for President George W. Bush.
"But when [Texas] Governor [Greg] Abbott gives the Trump administration an A+ for the response so far, it's clear the Trump administration was prepared for this," Ryun added.