Trump: Budget passage allows for 'large scale tax cuts'

President Trump on Friday celebrated the Senate passage of the budget resolution, and said the legislation is on its way to clearing Congress despite Democrats' opposition.

"The Budget passed late last night, 51 to 49. We got ZERO Democrat votes with only Rand Paul (he will vote for Tax Cuts) voting against," Trump tweeted Friday morning. "This now allows for the passage of large scale Tax Cuts (and Reform), which will be the biggest in the history of our country!"

The 2018 budget resolution will carry the Trump administration's tax reform proposal. It passed 51-49, and Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., was the only Republican who opposed it.

The GOP hopes to pass tax reform by the end of the year.

Trump also tweeted about a new study released Friday, "Just out report: 'United Kingdom crime rises 13% annually amid spread of Radical Islamic terror.' Not good, we must keep America safe!"
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