Top Intel Official: Al Qaeda Worked on WMD in Iran

Al Qaeda operatives based in Iran worked on chemical and biological weapons, according to a letter written to Osama bin Laden that is described in a new book by a top former U.S. intelligence official.

The letter was captured by a U.S. military sensitive site exploitation team during the raid on bin Laden's Abbottabad headquarters in May 2011. It is described in Field of Fight, out Tuesday from Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and Michael Ledeen of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

"One letter to bin Laden reveals that al Qaeda was working on chemical and biological weapons in Iran," Flynn writes.

Flynn's claim, if true, significantly advances what we know about al Qaeda's activity in Iran. The book was cleared by the intelligence community's classification review process. And U.S. intelligence sources familiar with the bin Laden documents tell us the disclosure on al Qaeda's WMD work is accurate.

Flynn notes that only a small subset of bin Laden's files have been released to the public. The "Defense Intelligence Agency's numerous summaries and analyses of the files remain classified," too, Flynn writes. "But even the public peek gives us considerable insight into the capabilities of this very dangerous global organization."
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