The 'Let's Go Brandon' Craze Gets Serious as Threats of Retribution Loom

If you’ve been paying attention to politics for the last month, then you’ve no doubt heard of the “let’s go Brandon” meme that’s been making the rounds. The background involves a NASCAR event and a reporter who either can’t hear or was trying to smooth things over for the cameras as the crowd behind her chanted a certain obscene phrase about Joe Biden.

And thus, “let’s go Brandon” was born as a more kid-friendly way to express one’s displeasure with the president and his mix of incompetence and malice that has led to so many crushing failures for the nation over the last year. There’s even an iTunes song because the absurdity of our current political moment is what it is.

Apparently, though, some phone calls got made because the Canadian government is now promising retribution against any of its employees that use the phrase, not just in public, but even in correspondence between private parties. They will be monitoring for violations.

Source: Hot Air
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