The Case For Trump?

I recently received a long email from an old friend, someone whose judgment I very much respect, making the case for Trump. I can't say I'm convinced, but I thought his argument interesting and eloquent enough to ask him for permission to share it. Here are substantial excerpts from his missive.


As you know, I favored one of the governors earlier in the GOP nomination contest. At the convention in July I was hoping an alternative might emerge. But when I offered all sorts of suggestions to a friend as to how Trump could have done a better job in the first debate, I realized as I was offering these suggestions, I was now with Trump…..for reasons I did not see earlier in the process. And, Bill, the time has now come for you, me, and other reluctant warriors to be "all-in" for Trump, a place I never thought I would be.

A New York Post article described the reactions of good ordinary people, mostly Democrats, after watching the first Trump-Clinton debate in a Latrobe pub. These folks are not buying what Mrs. Clinton is selling. (The tavern, the Tin Lizzy, is in Arnold Palmer's home town.) Ken Reed, a Latrobe farmer, small businessman, and a Democrat summed it all up very nicely, "the policies she [Clinton] talked about tonight ultimately either hurt me or ignore me." In my words, the elites don't give a damn about the people in the heartland.

Your writers' observations of Mr. Trump's debate performance were accurate; and I share some of them myself. Yes, he was not prepared; he missed opportunities, he was too defensive, and he spent too much time with needless braggadocio. Yes, Trump has huge faults and shortcomings; but he is an underdog in a presidential race to defend and promote the very things you, I, and countless other Americans care most about: our families, our country, and our institutions that safeguard liberty, the rule of law, and the life and dignity of every person. Donald J. Trump, not Hilary Rodham 'Milhous' Clinton, is the true defender of these things.

The ruling political, academic, and media class think Mr. Trump is a billionaire real estate, hotel, and casino man—a constant promoter and a buffoon. But, in truth, he is a deeply insecure, self-centered man unaccustomed and unprepared to be in the place in which he finds himself. Simply put: he is ill equipped for the political battle of our lifetime, and in the lifetime of our country. But, he will fight, and as Lincoln said of Grant after the first day's disastrous losses at Shiloh, "I can't spare this man; he fights." Remember people were suggesting to Lincoln that he replace Grant who, despite previous successes, was totally unprepared …and maybe drunk… at Shiloh when Johnston attacked and nearly overwhelmed Federal forces. Trump alone is the person who can and will fight in this terrible battle. We don't need more McClellans.
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