State Department officials handed over Hillary Clinton's schedules from the days surrounding the 2012 Benghazi, Libya, attack, revealing a mistake on the documents that might have helped to keep them hidden until this week.
The schedules show Clinton spent the week before the attack traveling through southeast Asia and Russia as conditions in Libya deteriorated.
Clinton's schedules from Sept. 1, 2012, through Sept. 9, 2012, are misdated, however. Although they accurately reproduce her activities from those days in 2012, the schedules are dated as though they pertained to 2010.
State Department officials told Citizens United that the agency does not correct inaccurate records during the FOIA process and only produces the files as they appear in government archives.
The mistake, officials told the conservative group, occurred back in 2012, when someone on Clinton's staff must have entered the date incorrectly into Clinton's schedules.