Ukraine would receive lethal military aid from the United States if 27 senators who have appealed to President-elect Trump get their way.
"Russia has launched a military land-grab in Ukraine that is unprecedented in modern European history," the lawmakers, led by Republican Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio and Senate Minority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., wrote in a letter to Trump. "We believe it is in our vital national security interest to uphold these norms and values, and prevent America's commitment to its allies and ideals from being called into question."
Ukraine surrendered its nuclear weapons arsenal in 1994 in exchange for a pledge that the United States, Russia and the United Kingdom would "respect the independence and sovereignty" of Ukraine and "provide assistance" to the former Soviet satellite in the event that Ukraine was attacked or "an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used." That pledge has been strained, however, since Russian President Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea and and sent unmarked Russian forces into eastern Ukraine.
"In light of Russia's continued aggression and repeated refusal to respect Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereign right to choose its own destiny, we also renew our call for the United States to increase political, economic, and military support for Ukraine," the senators wrote. "This includes defensive lethal assistance as part of a broader effort to help Ukrainians better defend themselves, deter future aggression and implement key structural reforms."
That letter comes on the heels of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg reporting a "massive increase in cease-fire violations" in eastern Ukraine. "The international community must keep pressuring Russia to respect its obligations, especially while the security situation in eastern Ukraine remains so serious," Stoltenberg said Wednesdayfollowing a series of meetings by the top diplomats of the NATO countries. "It's important that economic sanctions be maintained."