Reid unloads on 'billion-dollar-loser' Trump after tax docs leaked

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid called Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump a "billion-dollar loser" on Sunday after a New York Times report published this weekend exposed huge losses by the real estate mogul in the mid-1990s.

The Nevada Democrat, who has taken to the Senate floor to lob verbal grenades at Trump throughout the 2016 campaign, started off his statement with "As I was saying."

"Trump is a billion-dollar loser who won't release his taxes because they'll expose him as a spoiled, rich brat who lost the millions he inherited from his father," Reid said in the statement. "Despite losing a billion dollars, Trump wants to reward himself with more tax breaks on inherited wealth while stiffing middle-class families who earn their paychecks with hard work. Trump is over-leveraged and deeply indebted to someone, but until he releases his taxes we won't know who."

The Times reported Trump lost about $916 million in 1995, an operational loss that would allow him to not pay federal income tax for up to 18 years. It's not clear if Trump actually paid any federal income tax in the ensuing years and the Times report does not allege any legal wrongdoing by Trump.

Backers of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Sunday that the report raises more questions about Trump's financial situation that need to be answered through him releasing his tax returns.
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