During the primary campaign and now well into general election season, Hillary Clinton has tried to keep paid speeches to the global investment banking company Goldman Saches under wraps. She was paid $675,000 for three off-the-record discussions in 2013. Her main primary opponent Bernie Sanders and now Republican nominee Donald Trump have charged that she did not want what she said to one of the world's richest, most influential banks to get to voters.
This week as part of one of its document dumps, Wikileaks found transcripts of all three Goldman Sachs speeches. (Read Clinton's other two Goldman Sachs speeches here and here.) The Washington Examiner presents those transcripts to readers with minimal editorial explanation, alongside our news and analysis. The first speech was a Question and Answer session at the the Inn at Palmetto Bluff in Bluffton, South Carolina, between Clinton and Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein and other employees on June 4, 2013:
Hillary Clinton: Let's start with the chairman.
LLOYD BLANKFEIN: China. We're used to the economic team in China. We go there all the time. The regulations — and then every once in a while you hear about South China, the military side.
How do you from the State Separtment point of view — less familiar to us — think about China, the rise of China, and what that forebodes for the next couple of decades?