Post-election poll: Trump’s popularity with millennials rises

The media would like you to believe that everyone under 35 is either cowering in fear of a Trump presidency or taking to the streets to protest it. In reality, more millennials support the President-elect than at any other time since he announced his bid for the White House in June 2015.

According to a poll released by CNN, Trump received a significant post-election bounce from the American public. Overall, 47 percent people have a favorable opinion of the President-elect — that’s an 11-point jump in a month.

Trump is also doing better among millennials. 40 percent have a favorable opinion of him, while 42 percent approve of the job he’s doing with his transition team.

Millennials also believe that Trump will be a positive force for change in their future; 53-to-43 percent believe he will change the country for the better.

They also think Trump can keep some of his economic campaign promises. Of those surveyed, 59 percent believe he will create good-paying jobs in economically challenged areas, and 71 percent believe he will repeal and replace Obamacare. Meanwhile, 58 percent think he will renegotiate NAFTA, and 48 percent think he will reduce corruption in Congress.
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