Raising a child is undoubtably one of the most difficult things any person could undertake. Almost from the minute you know a little one is on their way, a parent will worry about everything from how to raise them, the opportunities they can afford them, and values to instill in them.
For liberals however, it breaks down to how raise them while Donald Trump is president. That’s what feminist writer Jo Piazza wrote in Elle Magazine on Tuesday.
“How do I explain that grabbing a woman by her genitals is not an acceptable salutation when the man in charge of the country normalized it?”
Liberals act as if he grabbed Hillary Clinton by her genitals instead of shaking her hand at the beginning of the presidential debate.
This obsession by progressives to assume that their children will inherit the personal behaviors of the sitting president is maddening. Millennials (including this writer) grew up during the Clinton administration and yet we didn’t all inherit his fetish to shove a cigar up a woman’s vagina, smoke it, and say “tastes good.”