A general election matchup between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump isn’t just undesirable for millennials; it could spell defeat for the Republican Party for years to come. While younger voters don’t like Hillary, they’d vote for her over Trump. The fact that these young voters, including young Republicans, would reject Trump in favor of Hillary is bad news for the future of the GOP.
In a recent article in the New York Times, Toni Monkovic wrote that rejection from the younger generation could explain “the concern, and in some cases the panic of many Republican officials over Donald Trump.”
Trump has won the youth vote in many states, but as Monkovic pointed out, “only in New Hampshire was there a consistent pattern of rising support for Mr. Trump as voting groups got younger.” He also mentioned North Carolina being “the more typical result,” where most of Trump’s support came from those 45-64 years old.
Monkovic said that although millennials may be confused about what racism is, or they may even choose to ignore it rather than address it, they still notice Trump’s “explicit racial messaging,” and were turned off by his refusal to satisfactorily disavow David Duke and the KKK.
Millennials are more racially diverse than any other generation, which impacts their voting behavior. For instance, while Arizona usually votes Republican, the state is described as one with “a rapid growth in the young Hispanic population,” and it might not remain red in 2016 if Trump is the GOP nominee.