Nikki Haley’s new law: Students must learn Constitution’s founding principles

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has signed a new law, The South Carolina Founding Principles Act, which will require pubic school students to learn about the Constitution and “the structure of the government and the role of separation of powers and the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.”

Their law now reads:

“The student must pass a classroom examination on the provisions and principles of the United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist papers, and American institutions and ideals. This instruction must be given for a period of at least one year or its equivalent, either within the required course U.S. History and Constitution or within another course.”

“I was just so worried about the erosion away from our foundation, and when I say that, I think it’s time we get back to the basics. The basics in which this country was founded. That’s exactly what we wanted to accomplish with this bill,” State Rep. Chip Huggins (R-Lexington) said in a statement to The Daily Signal.

Will we see similar measures passed in other states?
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