Nebraska GOP votes down condemnation of “degrading remarks” to women, minorities

Republicans have rejected the notion of individual rights as delegates at the Nebraska Republican Convention rejected a resolution that condemned degrading remarks “toward women, minorities, and other individuals.”

The resolution, in light of Donald Trump’s coronation as the Republican nominee, was a not-so-subtle censure to Republicans who oppose Trump.

Per National Review, the resolution “in any other year would have been uncontroversial:”

Be it resolved that the Nebraska Republican Party strongly opposes all degrading remarks toward women, minorities, and other individuals by Republican elected office holders or party officials, including candidates for President of the United States, because such rhetoric tarnishes the GOP’s legacy as the party of Lincoln, alienates millions of Americans, and jeopardizes Republican majorities in the Nebraska Legislature, the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate.

Nebraska Republicans were unwilling to reject ad hominem attacks based on gender or race.
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