Millennial Michigan elector receives death threats for backing Trump

Liberals are grasping at straws to prevent Donald Trump from being inaugurated in January. Having failed to beat him in the primary, general, and failing to attempt a recount, progressive activists are threatening electors to switch their vote to Hillary Clinton.

One such elector, Michael Banerian, a millennial from Michigan, received death threats, aggressive e-mails, and angry letters on a daily basis demanding that he change his vote to Clinton.

“I’ve received some death threats, death wishes, and generally some very angry and aggressive messages from people wanting me to change my vote. While I don’t necessarily fear for my life, I do take them very seriously,” Banerian said to Red Alert Politics on Tuesday. “As much as I’d like to believe these are just people blowing hot air, there is a part of me that is cautious that they may be legitimate threats.”

Banerian told the Detroit News that the letters included a threat to shove a gun in his mouth and blow his brains out, and another that called him a hateful bigot and hopes he dies.

Despite the constant threats and angry letters, the 22-year-old elector hasn’t changed his mind to vote for Trump and is refusing to live in fear.
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