Like older voters, many millennials are unexcited about their choices for president. But if millennials sit this election out, it’s Democrats who will feel it most.
A new poll shows Hillary Clinton‘s massive advantage with millennials closing by 6 percentage points, falling from 68 percent to 62 percent. But this decline didn’t exactly translate into increased support for Donald Trump, who only saw a 1 point boost from 20 to 21 percent.
Clearly, many late-breaking millennials are wondering if a third-party vote or staying at home on Election Day is a better choice than Clinton or Trump.
How have Clinton and Trump failed to capture the enthusiasm of the youth vote?
Obviously, there’s the Bernie Sanders effect: Millions of young voters were attracted to the Vermont senator’s “outsider” campaign. Regardless of whether they agreed with all of his far-left policy prescriptions, millennials saw Sanders as honest and consistent, a person of high character willing to challenge the status quo in politics.