Michael Moore just gave the most convincing speech for Trump

Michael Moore is no fan of the Republican Party, the conservative movement, and most especially Donald Trump. That doesn’t mean however that the filmmaker can’t grasp the billionaire’s appeal and why he can’t win over formerly Democratic voters who have been hit hard over the last few decades.

At an event in Ohio for the movie Trumpland, Moore gave one of the most compelling speeches for Trump and why he still might win the election by turning out voters who have given up hope that this country could ever work for them.

“(Trump voters) don’t necessarily like him that much and they don’t necessarily agree with him, they’re not racists, rednecks, they’re actually pretty decent people,” Moore said to the audience about why so many blue collar workers were shifting towards the billionaire.

“Donald Trump came to the Detroit Economic Club, and stood there in front of the Ford Motor executives and said, ‘If you close these factories, as you are planning to do in Detroit, and rebuild them in Mexico, I am going to put a 35 percent tariff on those cars when you send them back, and nobody’s going to buy them,'” Moore continued. “It was an amazing thing to see. No politician, Republican or Democrat, had ever said anything like that to these executives. It was music to the ears of people in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The Brexit states.”

“Whether Trump means it or not is kind of irrelevant because he’s saying the things to people who are hurting and it’s why every beaten-down, worthless, forgotten working stiff who used to be part of what was called the middle class loves Trump,” said Moore. “He’s the human molotov cocktail that they’ve been waiting for, the human hand grenade that they can legally throw into the system that stole their lives from them.”
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