A fear campaign ensued during the 2016 election, but Donald Trump didn’t start it; the media created it. The idea that he would work actively against gays, transgendered, women, Muslims, minorities, and the fact that his election would be the resurrection of the Klan in America is entirely the work of the media.
While trust in the media is at an all-time low, the climate of fear that they created has permeated throughout the country, especially among those in President Obama’s “coalition of the ascending.”
For over a year, the media has misquoted, misrepresented, or just straight up lied about the policies Trump has proposed and now it’s caused panic and even death.
Millions cried in disbelief that they didn’t understand the country in which they lived. Within 24 hours, tens of thousands of protestors took to the streets across the country to claim Donald Trump was not their president, that they needed a national safe space. Others even demanded that California or parts of the state secede from the union.
Sadly, eight transgendered teenagers committed suicide after the Trump victory, according to Zach Stafford of Out Magazine.