Ivanka Trump triggers feminists over pro-motherhood comments

Few things trigger feminists more than traditional gender roles and Republican politicians, but mix them together and hell hath no fury like a social justice warrior clutching her pearls.

Laura June wrote in a New York Magazine op-ed on Tuesday, blasting Ivanka Trump for an ad she made for her father where she told women that motherhood was the most important job a female could pursue.

From the beginning of her tirade, June has to perform mental acrobatics to even become outraged at Ivanka’s comments.

“‘The most important job any woman can have is being a mother,'” June said in the article. “Using ‘any woman’ here is just a nicer way of saying ‘all women.’ What that sentence really means is that Ivanka — and by extension, her father, whose platform the video was created to advertise — thinks that all women should have children, because it’s ‘the most important job for them.'”

Well no, that’s not what Ivanka’s saying — but like most social justice warriors, June has the privilege of spending her day finding phantom menaces to outrage her.
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