Inside the White House's struggle to find a new communications director

President Trump's team has struggled to find candidates willing to take over the White House press shop after observing months of upheaval, the departures of two successive communications directors and the president's refusal to cede control of his message to anyone besides himself.

Sources close to the White House said senior aides have begun requesting resumes and debating names for potential communications directors, but have had little luck attracting the kind of public relations talent they seek.

"There are very few out there that would want to, honestly, serve in this White House," one source said.

That source noted the White House team is considering candidates that are "big names in the PR and communications world" but who are "not big names in politics."

One such name, according to another person familiar with the situation, is Scott Reed, a well-known GOP operative who previously served as executive director of the Republican National Committee and who managed Bob Dole's 1996 presidential campaign. Reed did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
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