Healthcare fail threatens to cost Republicans a Georgia House seat

The Democrats are blitzing a Republican Georgia House district, hoping diminished enthusiasm for President Trump after the party's failure to repeal Obamacare fuels an upset in an April 18 special election.

The Democratic candidate, former congressional aide Jon Ossoff, 30, shouldn't have a chance in the suburban Atlanta 6th district held for a dozen years by former GOP Rep. Tom Price, who vacated the office to become Health and Human Services Secretary.

But Ossoff has raised nearly $3 million that he has invested in television and radio advertising so far, more than all of his Republican opponents combined, according to media buying sources.

His campaign is being bolstered by a grassroots operation financed by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee — unmatched in funding so far by the GOP. The DCCC has nine field staff in the district, directing scores of volunteers as they knock on doors every day leading up to Election Day.

Some Republican insiders are getting nervous.
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